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Cover Crop Programs - Upcoming IDOA Fall Cover for Spring Savings Sign-up December 15, 2023

Applications for enrollment in the IDOA's Fall Cover for Spring Savings (FCSS) cover crop program will begin December 15 at 8 am.   Acres will be taken until the state per acre cap is met, so early application is of importance.  Acres accepted will receive a $5 per acre crop insurance premium reduction in Spring 2024.  Landowners may apply directly online or request application assistance from SWCD staff.  Prior to application, cover crop acres must be reported to the local FSA office and a 578 form obtained.  In addition, crop insurance policy numbers need to be provided.  Please contact the SWCD for further information or application assistance with cover crops or other conservation practices.

Cover crops are recognized as one of the most effective in-field management strategies to stem the loss of both nitrate-nitrogen and total phosphorus from corn-soybean fields, in addition to positive effects on carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas reductions.